Emotional intelligence is a key predictor of resilience in the midst of stress, productive interpersonal relationships, true happiness, and overall well-being. Even the most positive and optimistic people will inevitably experience personal and professional setbacks and challenges. It is how quickly we rebound from these setbacks and how much baggage we carry forward that makes all the difference. Our resilience is equally linked with our ability to access our clarity of mind and calm at times of challenge and uncertainty. Our featured Spa personality this month, Mia Kyricos, kindly selected the topic of the month.

What tools do you use for positive affirmations and to nourish positive thinking?
I’m a big fan of journaling and do so most mornings before I start my day or turn on the news or look at my phone. I find that there’s a great power and freedom in simply writing down all the thoughts that go buzzing in one’s head, being sure to end with what I’m most grateful for, even if I’m feeling less than positive that day. This act has become a ritual to me – the only time when I’m truly alone with my thoughts – and it really helps to clean and prepare the mind for a great, new day.
Do you take “time outs” to renew and prioritize work/life balance (apart from spa)?
YES. I try and take part in some activity each work day after journaling – usually a walk, hike, bike ride or yoga class – to get the blood flowing and the body working. On particularly stressful days, I will take a “time out” for 10 minutes of Headspace (the meditation app) which I have on my phone, and I really try not to check email before breakfast or after dinner. As for work/life balance, I consciously try to prioritize the important things in life (ex: personal relationships) over the urgent ones (ex: work obligations). And I absolutely believe in taking vacation, celebrating birthdays and holidays to their fullest potential!
What is your favorite spa treatment?
It’s a tie (who can pick just one?!). I love a deep tissue massage that includes extra attention for my feet (my favorite part of any massage experience) and there’s nothing like a good WATSU treatment (I think I was a fish in a former life).
Fun Fact About You
I grew up hunting, fishing and gardening on the coast of Maine. I therefore have great respect for nature and where food comes from, and tend to be really resourceful when it comes to growing, gathering or even harvesting it.